The two Crossfit rules of perseverance:

Rule #1. Take one more step.

Rule #2. When you think you can't take one more step, refer to Rule #1.

Unfit or Crossfit, It's up to you!

Friday, June 03, 2005

One arm snatch + pull up

Workout of the Day

30 rounds of:

Right-arm dumbbell snatch, 1rep
Left-arm dumbbell snatch, 1 rep
1 Weighted dumbbell pull-up

Don't change dumbbell mid-round.

Post loads for all thirty rounds and their sum for score to comments.

18kg x 1 set =54kg
22kg x 1 set =66kg
24kg x 3 sets =216kg
28kg x 5 sets =420kg
30kg x 20 sets = 1800kg

Total Score = 2556kg

This was a realy good workout. I could have probably done more sets with the 30kg, or done some sets with the 35kg's, but still had to lie down after this.

Kenny done a stormer of a session on this and managed one right/left snatch of 30kg which was very impressive as it was his first time doing dumb-bell snatches


Anonymous said...

Haven't done this one. Taking a couple days off. How did you like it? Had the gym do this today.
“My Pet Rock”
Groups of 2 or 3
Big Dogs
3 rounds for time:
20 X 95# Power Cleans
30 Pull ups
60 Push ups
3 rope climbs or 1 w/ no legs
400 M
Pet Rocks were 2X50# dumbbells. Pet rock must be held by one of the partners at all times. If the pet rock falls to the ground both partners must do 5 extra cleans the following round.
It was a scorcher.

Davie said...

Really liked this one Jeff

I think Im needing some time off too, feeling relly run down this week. Still training but dont have the same get up and go as usual.