The two Crossfit rules of perseverance:

Rule #1. Take one more step.

Rule #2. When you think you can't take one more step, refer to Rule #1.

Unfit or Crossfit, It's up to you!

Friday, June 24, 2005


Workout of the Day

Deadlift 3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1

Post loads to comments

Jackies first time doing deads so just going to work on technique.

Im goin to try a little bit of weight but mouth still feels like a bag of spanners!

I done 8 sets of 3 reps with 100kg, just working on technique. For as long as I have done deadlifts it has always been Stiff Leg Dead Lifts (S.L.D.L) So tonight I made a decision to sort out my "normal " deadlift technique.

After so many years of doing on S.L.D.L's normal deadlifts are F#cking hard.

Saturday morning I will be taking Jackie through the finer points of deadlifting as she hasnt done it before.


Anonymous said...

You're a cruel man.

By the way - who won the six pack contest thingy?

Davie said...

It never got to a vote..we couldnt get everybody together at the same time!!

Big O said...

I know what you mean about the deadlifts - when you switch like that it makes you want to go back to the other exercise.

But, in the end, change is good for muscle development.