The two Crossfit rules of perseverance:

Rule #1. Take one more step.

Rule #2. When you think you can't take one more step, refer to Rule #1.

Unfit or Crossfit, It's up to you!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Off to the States

Im heading off to Karls early doors tomorro, geting there about 6pm

Then we are off to the airport early doors to fly out at 10.40 am

So I will post as soon as I get back..taken 2 disposable cameras with me and Daves digital camera so hould have plenty of pics.

C Ya



Anonymous said...

I hope you and Karl enjoy yourselves and show these guys some Great British Crossfit!

and hey let's all be carefull out there!

Anonymous said...

Hi - Sweetheart, Dunno if you'll check this before you go.. but have a safe flight. Call me when you land no matter what time. Ermm....what else? ...Don't run off with Skanky ho's, don't mix your drinks, don't feel the need to prove to everyone your a true Scotman, try not to get your pretty face broken, if you feel the need to purchase ridiculously expensive presents for me since Im being left behind - go for it!! Just kidding, don't waste what little free time you'll have shopping. Go. Embrace. Enjoy. Get a job and we'll all move out there!

Love you Darlin' see you soon.

Kenny said...

Have a ball big yin

Unknown said...

Ok, Davie - I created my own blog...I'll cross post my stuff so you don't have to go over to livejournal.


Don't forget to let me know when you and Karl get home.

Unknown said...

LOL @ Jackie!

Skanky ho's! haha. He was in one piece and not marked up at all (well only a little!) when I last saw him at about 5 this evening. After that, I have no knowledge, but there is a Kickboxing class on Monday nights....

Anonymous said...

Tuesdays Strebgth WOD followed by Helen.

9:40 as Rx'ed

Miss having you guys here to chase.