The two Crossfit rules of perseverance:

Rule #1. Take one more step.

Rule #2. When you think you can't take one more step, refer to Rule #1.

Unfit or Crossfit, It's up to you!

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Painstorm VII

Painstorm VII

Stairway to heaven

50 down to 5 (5 step) Squats/ Press-ups
Run 400m
40 down to 4 (4 step) DB snatch (L/R)
Run 400m
30 down to 3 (3 step) Box jump/ Pull-ups
Run 400m
20 down to 2 (2 step) Dumbbell burpee, hang squat clean, thrusters/ ring dips
Run 400m
10 down to 1 (1 step) HSPU’s/ Pistol (1 rep = l,r) Run 400m

Post time, db weight and box height to comments

Eg 50 squats
45 press-ups
40 squats
35 press-ups etc.

Eg2 30 Box jumps
27 Pull-ups
24 Box jumps
21 Pull-ups etc.

That was tough

Time 1 hour 11 mins weights, step etc

Ring press ups
24kg Kettlebell for the snatches
Box was a step from the step class, 7 risers high
Dumb bells for complex 10kg
Pistols were assisted

1 comment:

Kenny said...

well done matie. The rings are cool.