The two Crossfit rules of perseverance:

Rule #1. Take one more step.

Rule #2. When you think you can't take one more step, refer to Rule #1.

Unfit or Crossfit, It's up to you!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

False Grip?

Not sure if I have the false grip right... Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

I think you need to have it more on your fleshy part of the hand.....almost wrist mate...remember where the wounds were from the practice?

Should feel kinda difficult to get your arms straight at first, flexibility issue if i remember correctly, kinda like the rack position with front squats??

You KNOW i'm not an expert mate, but just what i remember from Jeff et al.

Anonymous said...

Big guy,
Draw a line from theweb of your hand to the wrist bone. Thats where the grip should be. Now you have to help me with the bar muscle up.

Did JT in Colorado and then did 7 consecutive muscle ups. Pretty charged up about that.

Anonymous said...

Jeff's assessment is accurate. Here's another easy way of knowing you've got it right: when completely flexing your hand at the wrist, you should be able to hang (albeit with some flexibility issues as Jeff noted) from the rings WITHOUT having to actually grip the rings with your fingers.

It's a shame we couldn't meet during my visit to Crossfit London a couple months ago. Maybe next time.
